Wednesday, August 14, 2013

David Christian: The history of our world in 18 minutes

Please watch the Ted Talk on the following link


When I ponder on some things in the Universe that surround us I am astounded with the irony and the underlying intelligence that seems to pervade it. Take for instance the following:

1. Firstly, a Universe is created that seems to function on certain underlying  'Immutable'Laws'.
2. One of these Laws is The Second Law of Thermodynamics where it is brought to our understanding that 'All Natural Processes proceed in a direction that Maximizes Entropy'. Under this law all processes lead to a sort of uniform chaos with the basic simplicity of chaos - which destroys all 'organisation' and 'order' and 'complexities resulting from an organised structure'.
3. Then the Universe shows how it breaks its own laws by:
           A. Forming fundamental particles of matter like Quarks and other higher organised particles.
           B. Forming better organised matter like atoms of Hydrogen and Helium.
           C. Organizing clouds of hydrogen and helium to form stars and galaxies.
           D. Thence forming other elements in super nova furnaces.
           E. Thence forming a greater degree of organisation in the form of planets.
           F. Innovating a means to store INFORMATION by creating the DNA molecule.
           G. And facilitating and fine-tuning these conditions so that the DNA molecules form Life.
           H. Life evolving to a degree where Consciousness is created - a process where 'Information'
                which was once transmitted genetically, is now transmitted through Shared Knowledge.
            I. And now conscious beings are attempting to create 'conscious beings' in the form of robots
               and Artificial Intelligence!

I one goes to study the above, we'll see that the underlying tension in the entire plot from Stage A to Stage I, displays the tremendous intelligence where the most fundamental rule is consistently broken!

The trick is like a beautiful novel where the author 1. Lays down a purpose - say, a boy meeting a girl with a desire to wed;  2. Creates all sorts of conditions that are detrimental to the purpose (2nd law of thermodynamics) 3. Provides riders and sops to the lovers that can enable them to gain hope and fight ( giving the exception that if 'energy is supplied to the system the second law can be broken' ) 4. Supplying 'Grace' - i.e. supplying the energy to break the Second Law. And finally 5. A happy ending with the boy and the girl being wed!

But wait! What about the possibility of a divorce? But that's another story !!!


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