The other day I was involved in a semi-serious argument with a friend of mine about free will and predestined events. Having been thoroughly mauled by the events in my life, and further, finding myself at a somewhat mediocre although comfortable station in the social ladder, I seemed to prefer the existence of predestined events as having shaped my predicament. After all no one would like to believe that he is a mediocrity because he screwed up things in a royal manner. A man who finds himself at a mediocre level would like to believe that things were screwed up for him because of an external agent - God.
This friend of mine faces a similar problem though in an entirely different way. His problem is that in the normal scale of things he is an astounding success. He lives in a plush residence that even the super-rich of Bangalore can scarcely dream of living; he has attained a degree of success even in the realm of letters (as a prolific and quite articulate film critic); he has won prestigeous fellowships; he has travelled widely and is even financially quite successful. A man who finds himself in such circumstances would scarcely be convinced that luck could have perhaps favored him to a certain extent. Undoubtedly it would be very satisfying to claim total authorship of his achievements attributing them to his own talents.
Well, the two of us with our preferred predelictions got into a serious discussion of what, in fact, could explain the mechanism of the universe around us. He gave solid instances from his life where he had taken wisely considered and astutely conceived proactive measures - like for instance buying certain shares when they were freshly introduced in the market; selling those shares when their value had risen and investing the proceeds in real estate when land prices had fallen in Bangalore; further doing these even when there were strong protests from his wife - and of course, he was proved right; and several instances of how his moves were calculated to succeed even when he was working as an officer in a bank.
I tried to present events from the lives of people I knew who I felt were mauled by circumstances. He argued that in each case it could have been demonstrated that the choice they had taken was the most inappropriate one. If they had the right foresight they could have avoided peril and any person could predict that they would flounder. As a sort of a grand touche, I said that the very fact that one was born in a certain class of society rather than another (for example as the son of middle-class parents rather than as a maid-servant's son) seemed to definitely indicate that there is a certain amount of pre-destination. He tried to fob off the argument by saying that he didn't believe 'in a pre-existing 'I' before my actual birth!'
I argued that it is immaterial whether one believes in the existence of a 'soul' or karma or not but it is an incontrovertible fact that people are born in different circumstances and that fact itself can have tremendous impact on the outcome.
I have to admit it that he came up with a strong attack by saying "If you didn't believe that Dinakar couldn't overcome his alcoholism problem by using his 'free-will' and 'will-power' you wouldn't have cared to give him the dressing-down advice that you gave him the other day."
I had to grant him victory on that point. We all tend to inflict our advice on others because we really believe that they are capable of making major changes in their behaviour. Further, he argued that perhaps insofar as the circumstances of one's birth is concerned there may be no free-will but subsequently there is total control over directing one's life the way one wants to. He rightly argued that without the possibility of free-will no one would ever attempt to change his or her circumstances.
To counter his argument I gave an instance from my own life - I was made to jump from kindergarten to fifth standard, and even though such things were done in India, I suffered severely in the higher class because I was never given adequate preparation before being admitted to the higher class. I hadn't been taught the processes of multiplication and division; in fact I hadn't even been taught addition and subtraction and I found myself in a class where we were asked to convert 6438 pounds into tons; asked to convert 843 pence into pounds and shillings and so on. I was barely being taught nursery rhymes when I was put in a class where we had to study history, geography, hygiene and so on for which I neither had the vocabulary nor the maturity to grasp those ideas. I was not taught cursive handwriting and was expected to take down the notes that the class teacher dictated. I was taunted by the class teacher as 'small baby' and no one would like to be called that amongst his peers. I was taunted by my class teacher so much that I came to hate the school and anything related to studies.
I argued with my friend that this is a clear example of how predestined events seem to exert an important force in one's life.
Ultimately we reached a truce of some sort. We agreed that if the total motive force of a person's life is ONE (1) then it is perhaps true that some decimal fraction, less than one (X < 1) is predestined, and the remaining is left to a person's free-will. For example, X could be 0.46 (predestined) and the remaining 0.54 could be left to one's free-will. And I chose to further specify that the value of X though less than one, is a variable that differs from person to person. So if you let your free will choose a goal and put more of your free will and life energies to attaining it, the fact that you won't attain it is determined by predestination.
And inasmuch as I consider a large part of my misery to be predestined, I similarly consider a large part of his rich circumstance and fortune also to be predestined rather than having the generosity of attributing it to his talent !!! :-)
Very well written but one or two points to be taken note of:
1. You ability to write was at least partly because because of effort but it is impossible to be sure what part. But,if you believed it to be 100%, you would be influenced to put in more effort and if you thought it 0%, you would make make no effort at all. Hence, the proportion of destiny and free will in one's life is itself dependent on one's belief on that proportion, isn't it? This being the case, regardless of that the proportion 'actually is' - which cannot be known -why not act as if one's freedom is 100%? To apply a modern Physics notion, which disputes the existence of 'unobservables' why not say that there is no preordained 'proportion' between free will and destiny at all?
2. Even if you don't concede what I have just said and point out (rightly) that some events which happen to us are unavoidable, their impact can certainly be modulated by effort. This goes under the name of 'courage' - against sickness, disability, for instance.If you deny the place of effort, you also deny courage.
3. I think our belief in 'luck' comes out of our sense of entitlement. It doesn't sound correct to say he was 'unlucky' to be born wealthy. 'Luck' is only in relation to what one expects from one's birth and family etc. It comes in relation to what he/she thinks he/she is entitled to from life. If you look at any hard luck experiences of people, it is due to a change in trajectory. For instance, all people who don't have children are not equally unlucky. A person who loses his/ her children is more unlucky than he/she who wanted them but never had them and that person is certainly more unlucky than he/she who didn't want them in the first place.
Tragically, I felt I could have replied better if I knew who the author of the comment was. But whoever it is the point 1 is well taken by me with the caveat that 'I enjoy the proposal that my ability to write is 100% my own, and the areas where I've screwed up is >75% due to bad luck' !!
As regards Point 2, naturally caused bad events seem easier to accept with courage rather than man-induced ones, specially so when the agents remain anonymous and mysterious.
And w.r.t point 3, a change in trajectory induced by certain person/s from a position of a moral standard is rather difficult to accept, especially so when there is a high likelihood of the person/s inducing such a change in trajectory themselves could be, in fact, immoral by those very same standards
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