Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Limit of a Woman as X tends to A - The Calculus of Relationships!

Many people may raise an objection as to what such a blog is doing in a nice ‘Spiritual Website’ like this. But then this site has a branch devoted to ‘Wellness’ and what is the point if half of world’s population is not  ‘well’ at all, in certain aspects that happens to promote peace on earth! We certainly need to work at wellness with a better understanding.

‘Women are so mysterious’ wail my friends who are rather unsuccessful with women. That is the charm of a woman – to hide behind a mystique that would stump even the smartest. On a certain bright sunny Sunday morning with clear blue skies you may find your wife dropping an oblique hint that a wise man presented his wife with an attractive gift A.  You perk up.  You pride yourself on latching on to a hint, but then wouldn’t want to make it too obvious that it was, after all, a gross hint from your wife that motivated you to gift A to her. You would like to credit yourself for making the discovery that she needed it.  Hence you stall for a few days to create an impression that you had, in fact, thought about it all along to present her with A.  And after an intelligently contrived time lapse, one day you declare to your wife – ‘You know! I’ve been thinking for a long time to give you a costly present! Do you think you would like to have A?

‘I hate it!...’, your wife surprisingly declares. ‘In fact, I prefer something more along the lines of Z!   ’
You are surprised at this sudden turn of preferences. In fact, it is to the opposite end of the spectrum.  But then your male intuition tells you that maybe she doesn’t really like Z, but you think ‘could she, in fact, really want B but said A because it is somewhat close to what she really likes?’

But then you reason that if she is playing a game of subtlety she wouldn’t be thinking of B which is so close to A, maybe K that is sufficiently distant from A is more likely what she wants. So after a few days you again tell your wife ‘By the way, Rohan was thinking of gifting a nice present to his wife. Do you think K would be a good idea?’

‘What in the world would a woman do with a thing like K?  Something like Q would be more useful!’ she suggests helpfully.

But you know women quite well!  It couldn’t possibly be very close to what she really desires. But since she has strayed sufficiently far from A you wonder ‘Could she really want Z?’ But then you again reconsider. Z is way too much to the extreme. ‘Is my wife so much of a bohemian to really like Z?’ You know that women are more moderate and abhor extremes. But then these days, women are priding themselves for being quite radical in their tastes and even burning bras to prove it. Further you’ve even noticed that they put a herculean effort to excel in mathematics even if only to prove that they are more logical than men, and since X is something that figures everywhere in mathematics, and further since it is also the name of an object that has a real presence in the universe, you wonder by your devious logic, whether X could really be what she wants.  You are already tired of the mental effort involved in the whole process and take a rather bold leap of faith and spring into the dark chasm of pure probability and spend a big fortune to buy her X.  After the purchase you wonder ‘Did I make a stupid error? Could she really want A for herself but Z for other women?’ You are quite nervous, but put on a show of great confidence and charm. And in the privacy of your room and at an opportune time before retiring to bed you announce to her ‘Honey!, I don’t know if you’ll like it, but just today evening I bought you this X !!’

She squeals with obvious delight all over her visage. She puts her arms around your neck and exclaims “How wonderful!! I’ve always wanted this! How in the world did you know? You’re so wonderful!”

“Well! I’ve been successfully married for sixteen years!”  You tell her aloud, but secretly thank your stars that pure probability worked once again in your favor. Of course, it was blended with a clever mixture of intuition and a knowledge of feminine logic since, after all, you are especially talented as far as women are concerned.  But would it work again the next time? Is your success with women a product of your talent or is it predestined?